- To develop a resume or background information sheet/generic application.
- To develop skill in the use of various job search techniques including phone, Internet,
newspaper, and networking resources.
- To develop good interviewing techniques and ability to sell self for the job.
- To develop an understanding of employment issues such as unions, benefits, taxes, etc.
- To reduce barriers to employment, including issues related to child care, transportation,
and education/skill level.
- To develop knowledge and understanding of appropriate workplace behaviors.
- A classroom setting will be used to teach specific skills through lecture, role playing and
- Questions will be addressed through group discussion.
- Participants will design their
resumes and practice filling out applications.
- Participants will perform a self-directed job search
using the strategies and skills taught and the resources available at the agency and in the
- Curriculum is delivered through Skills to Pay The Bills method.
Participants will be capable of obtaining and maintaining employment.
Discharge Criteria
- Participant will demonstrate good job seeking skills.
- Participant will demonstrate appropriate workplace behaviors.
- Participant will demonstrate plans for employment or further training, or be employed.
How can an individual access this service?
For more information, call Ashtabula Goodwill, Inc. Serving
NE Ohio & NW Pennsylvania at (440) 954-3565.